
Owners of Apple devices get a bank loan more easily than Android owners

Credits and loans

Want more proof that rich people prefer Apple? If you own one of the Apple devices, the bank is more likely to approve your loan! This is the conclusion of a study conducted by the LendingTree bank on a sample of two million applications for loans and mortgage credit.

Today you can apply for credit online. If you do this with Apple devices, the more likely they will be to you credit also approved, notes the bank's study LendingTree, which buried itself in two million loan and mortgage applications addressed through the devices.

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Loan applications by device.
Loan applications by device

At the same time, the analysis revealed that you have the greatest chance of success if loan application money you send from a Mac computer, and they follow iPad, devices with Windows OS and smartphones iPhone and Android (see graph). The order is to be expected, given that Apple products are somewhat more expensive than the competition and people with deeper pockets reach for them, who consequently have more opportunities for credit.

Credits in 2016.
Credits in 2016

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