
Oxford Dictionaries: English word of the year 2016 is post-truth (post-factual)

English word of the year 2016

After the selfie (selfish, 2013), vaping (electronic smoking, 2014) and emoji (smiley, 2015), the English word of 2016 is post-truth (post-factual), the editors of the dictionary authority Oxford Dictionaries announced. For the first time, this term is said to have appeared in 2014, but it came into vogue during the American presidential election and Brexit, when it infected most of the discussions. In 2016, usage increased by as much as 2,000 percent compared to the previous year.

Editorial office Oxford Dictionaries has chosen. English word of the year 2016 has become a term post-truth, in Slovenian, post facto (the term was coined at Fran Ramovš Institute for the Slovenian Language). The media use it to mark the era in which we live it denies primary facts, when in the public appearances of politicians verifiable facts fade into the background, because you to achieve your own goals they use modified/forged data.

Donald Trump and Nigel Farage have been mentioned several times in the context of post facto politics.
Donald Trump and Nigel Farage have been mentioned several times in the context of post facto politics.

He was the first to use the term Ralph Keyes in the book The Post-Truth Era (2004), but it branched out during the American presidential elections and the referendum on the withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union. It was adopted mainly by the media, and many politicians also added it to their vocabulary, who used it to attack their opponents, whom they blamed spreading lies and distorting facts. This term sums up the success of the far right in Germany, and is also used in the context of Donald Trump's victory.

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Post-apocalyptic politics is a political action in which the father facts no longer have any weight or role, and they replace them fears, blatant lies and fabrications. The post-factual age is the age in which it is a lie is the new truth. It is powered by the fact that a lie repeated many times becomes the truth, which is what the majority of the population secretly wants. Hence the success of the aforementioned political actors.

Truth, what is it?
Truth, what is it?

Other words were shortlisted for the English word of the year 2016 adulting (doing things adults do and having responsibilities), alt-right (far-right in the US), A Brexiteer (supporter of the UK leaving the EU), chatbot (intelligent interview program), glass cliff (glass chasm), hygge (absence of anything disturbing and emotionally exciting), coulrophobia (fear of clowns), Latinx (a general term for Latin Americans used in connection with activism) and wake up (awareness).

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