
Pablo Cánepa, Fútbol Beers – if football clubs were beer

Football and beer have always been inseparable. Whether at a match or on the sofa - sports enthusiasts prefer to quench their thirst with a bottle of their favorite beer. Uruguayan designer Pablo Cánepa took this relationship further and presented world-famous football teams as beer brands.

Pablo Canepa used typography in his creation and dressed beer bottles in logos and club colours, which coincide with the jerseys and general style of a certain football club. Examples include a black bottle with subtle touches of white and yellow and a curved font line that spells out Juventus; blue, red and yellow stripes on the sticker, reflecting the logo of current European champions Barcelona, etc.

READ MORE: The 10 most beautiful goals from the Champions League finals

Check out the beer bottles representing football clubs in the gallery.

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