The legendary Porsche 911 Carrera has gone under the knife again, but the changes have to be looked for almost in broad daylight to discover them. Well, all of you who follow the 911 Carrera in a little more detail will still quickly notice the details that indicate that in front of you is the 2016 Porsche Carrera 911. Under the hood, on the other hand, the Carrera has not only undergone cosmetic revisions, but tectonic shifts took place there, at least as far as engines are concerned. Also, this super sports car is no longer a "paraplegic", as it will now be able to steer with all four wheels.
In the future, Renault will attack the world market of light commercial vehicles, which it has dominated in Europe for the past 17 years, with its first production semi-truck. But even before that happens, a study named Renault Alaskan saw the light of day, which, unlike other upcoming Renault models, will not be seen at the Frankfurt Motor Show, where "only" a range of newcomers among passenger vehicles with Talisman on the forehead.
At Peugeot, they asked themselves what the two-door car of the future will be and their vision is the Peugeot Fractal, an urban electric coupe concept with a sliding roof and a 2 + 2 seating arrangement (that is, without the back bench). It is a study that upgrades the i-Cockpit driving environment, which came to life in the SR1 study in 2010 and emphasizes sound sensations, while at the same time introducing a special soundscape with which to warn pedestrians and cyclists, as it is practically inaudible due to the electric motor.
The first generation BMW X1 was not the most fortunate product in terms of design, but it must be acknowledged that it brought a lot of enjoyment and excellent driving dynamics to the class of compact premium SUVs. After 6 years and 730,000 vehicles, it's high time that BMW rolled up their sleeves and today presents us with the new generation BMW X1. If you wanted the first generation secretly, with the second generation this love will be completely public. The BMW X1 is simply something you will most likely want.
Frankfurt po Frankfurtu je že tradicionalno mesto srečevanja znanstvenikov, strokovnjakov, knjižničarjev in študentov z novimi strokovnimi knjigami v tujih jezikih. Vse bolj postaja obvezna postaja tudi za ostale ljubitelje knjig. Tudi letos bomo tri dni listali po najboljših, nagrajenih in najbolj prodajanih ...

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