
Pain for a lifetime: 5 astrological signs that have the hardest time getting over an ex-love

How quickly we get over an ex-love depends on many factors - from how long the relationship lasted, to what our past experiences are and what our view of love and the world is. And the stars also have an influence on this - people born under these signs have the hardest time getting over a former love.

Why do some people get over their exes quickly, but others have such a hard time? What does astrology say about it? 

5 astrological signs that have the hardest time getting over a former love...


Scorpios are passionate. When someone breaks through their armor of secrecy, avoidance and coldness, they find a soft, romantic core burning with love. Once this is broken, it takes a lot of energy and courage for a Scorpio to comfort themselves again. It is especially difficult for him not to close himself off from new experiences of love.

Scorpios have a hard time dealing with the fact that someone has pierced their armor and now that person is no longer in their lives.
Scorpios have a hard time dealing with the fact that someone has pierced their armor and now that person is no longer in their lives.


It is especially difficult to get over the former love of male Pisces. They are extremely sensitive and emotional, but at the same time, they sometimes do not know how to handle their tender emotions in an appropriate way. When a relationship ends, Pisces feel left empty-handed and all alone.


Leos look outwardly as if the breakup with their partner did not affect them too much. But in reality, they are simply too proud to show how bad it really is for them. Pride is another reason why Leos take longer to get over their ex-relationships than some other astrological signs. It is especially difficult for them to come to terms with reality when they are the ones who are abandoned by someone.


Organized, down-to-earth and reasonable on the surface, Taurus quickly process, reconcile and accept the breakup of a relationship. On an emotional level, however, they often have problems. Excessive rationalization makes it impossible for them to take the time to surrender to grief in peace, and thus it catches them at moments when they least expect it.

Cancers are very emotional.
Cancers are very emotional.


Cancers are outwardly confident and determined. But in reality, they are also sensual and would do practically anything for the person they are attached to. When they break up with their partner, their world collapses for a short while. Many times they also excessively blame themselves for the failure of the relationship.

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