
Pantone: "Greenery" is the color of 2017

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The Pantone Color Institute, the undisputed authority in the field of color and color trends, has chosen the color that will mark the year 2017. After the pastel pink Rose Quartz and the light blue Serenity, the color of the year is Greenery (Pantone 15-0343), a spinach green shade that will the dominant shade in the world of fashion, industrial design and interior design next year.

Greenery it is the color of 2017 as selected by the Color Institute Pantone and will be the first choice of many fashion and industrial designers as well as interior designers. Color it symbolizes hope and our connection with nature, and she was inspired by early spring.

READ MORE: Pantone chose two colors for the first time in 2016

Shade Pantone 15-0343 can be combined with a range of colors, from neutral to metallic. The more we are involved in modern life, the more we yearn for green and nature, explained their selection at colored authorities Pantone.

Gallery - Greenery color (Pantone 15-0343) in practice:

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