
A paranoid girl wrote to a boy 10 rules of behavior that he must adhere to on a trip

10 rules for a guy

Do you also have a girlfriend who constantly tells you what to do and what not to do, who controls your behavior, is overly jealous, impatient and obsessed with you? Do you think your girlfriend is possessive? What can only Kieran Lumsden say then, to whom his girlfriend Whitney Travers wrote 10 rules of behavior - the second commandment says: No girls! You must not look at them, talk to them or touch them! – which he must stick to on an outing with friends, otherwise nothing good will be written about him.

Kieran Lumsden he shared on Twitter rules of behavior on the trip, which is ahead of his way to Spanish Magaluf written by his apparently extremely possessive girlfriend Whitney Travers. It is actually a version of it 10 commandments of God, for the strict rules of behavior that must be followed on a bachelor party.

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This was waiting for Kieran on the table before he left.
This was waiting for Kieran on the table before he left.

It is logical that every girl, in the event that her boyfriend goes to the peak of summer a trip to Spain in a strictly male society, "scary" for him, but that's it paranoid, there are few girls like this Edinburgh girl, and Keiaran does not envy her at all. So let's go over these 10 "commandments of God" by Whitney Travers, which she wrote on a sheet of paper with different felt-tip pens and decorated with glitter and illustrations. But no matter how much she tried to soften the whole thing and turn it into a joke, she could not hide her possessive nature.

10 rules of behavior on a trip:

  1. God's commandment: Make sure your phone always has a full battery. Call me at least once a day for 2 minutes.
  2. God's commandment: I do not allow you to have contact with girls. Don't look at them, don't talk to them and don't touch them. If you cheat on me, your life will become hell!
  3. God's Commandment: Don't follow girls on social media
  4. God's commandment: So that you don't accidentally think of a tattoo! You have an examination at home.
  5. God's commandment: Do not mix drinks!!! Drugs are for fools.
  6. god's commandment: If you find yourself at a party on a ship, I forbid you to play beer games with the opposite sex.
  7. God's Commandment: Sleep only in your own bed.
  8. God's commandment: Do not worship girls. You can spend that money on me.
  9. God's Commandment: Call Kim every day (probably his mom, op. p.), because she will take care of you.
  10. God's Commandment: Mention me to every girl. If he starts flirting, walk away.

Finally, she added: "I wish you a pleasant flight and stay safe."

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