
Paris Views - Military photographs of Parisian life

Photographer Gail Albert Halaban is a curious outside observer of the lives of unknown people. Her latest book, Paris Views, is a collection of warlike photographs of Parisian life that exposes people artistically in the privacy of their Parisian apartments in a public way.

American woman Gail Albert Halaban is a photographer, she revealed her "warrior tendencies" already with her first high-profile photo series Out My Window. A few days ago, Paris Views, a collection of photographs of Parisian life, was published in the form of a book.

In the photographs of Paris Views, the photographer captures people in the privacy of their apartments in a somewhat military manner. What at first glance seems like an immoral act is actually a mixture of artistic performance and intimate photographs, which, despite being on display for the wider world, maintain a high degree of privacy. Of course, the photographer asked all Parisians for permission before taking photos, and (interestingly) only a few allowed the photo without hesitation.

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The photographs of Paris Views are characterized by the typical beauty of Parisian architecture and the fact that we are rarely aware of: that through the windows of the curious photographer from a distance, we are only small people, each in our own small apartment, unaware of the lives of thousands of other small people who are living at the same time. are unfolding around us - just from another window.

Take a look at the Paris Views vojarist photos of Parisian life in our gallery!

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