
Parody of the couple who became famous with the photos #FollowMeTo

Parody of #FollowMeTo photo

Do you remember the couple who made us long for vacations in exotic places with photos in which the girlfriend leads her chosen one by the hand to dream destinations? Four years later, a Taiwanese couple made a parody of the famous #FollowMeTo photos, in which we were following Murad Osmann and Natalie Zakharova. You will laugh until you cry!

They say it is traveling together is the best test for a relationship. And if Natalia Zakharova of her boyfriend Murad Osmann through exotic and famous locations at the end by the hand led to the altar, but it was a joint trip for Forrest Luj anything but bedspread with flowers, as his chosen one Agnes Chien dragged him around like some ill-mannered child.

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Of course, it's just about a parody of famous photos of a Russian couple (since 2015 also a spouse) #FollowMeTo, which was created during a trip to Hawaii, and on them Agnes leads Forrest instead of by the hand, as if he were a rogue it pulls on the ears, hair and even the nose. It works quite painfully, as you can see for yourself. Forrest certainly did not have a good memory of the trip.

Parody of #FollowMeTo:


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