
Paulo Coelho: What is the reason for our life?

"No day is the same as another, and every morning has its own special miracle, its own magical moment, in which old creations sprout and new stars are born." - Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho he is on his official duty blog wrote down a conversation he had with a spiritual teacher in 1982. Although 35 years have passed since then, the questions they touched on are still repeated today and their answers are known only to God.

Read what they talked about below.

"What are we doing on Earth?" I asked the teacher.
“Honestly? I do not know. I watched it from different angles, from bright and dark places. Today, I'm sure no one knows. God only knows,” he replied.
"That's not a good answer for a teacher," I told him.
"That's an honest answer. I know many people who will explain to you in detail the meaning of our existence. Don't believe them, these people speak an ancient language and only believe what they can explain."

"Does this mean that there is no reason for our lives?" I asked him in disbelief.
"You don't understand what I want to tell you. I said I don't know the reason. But, of course, there is a reason why we are here and God knows it.”

"Why doesn't he reveal it to us?" I was persistent.
"He discovers it in each of us, but he does so in a language that we often do not accept, because it has no logic, because we are used only to instructions and formulas. Our heart knows why we are here. He who listens to his heart, follows the signs and lives his personal legend. Only he will understand that he is participating in something, even if he does not understand it on a rational level. There is a belief that in the second before death we realize the true reason for our existence. That's when hell and heaven are born."

"I do not understand," I told him confused.
"In this second, hell serves us to look back on our lives and to realize that we missed the opportunity to worship God and celebrate the miracle of life. Heaven help us to say, 'I have made mistakes, but I have not been a coward. I lived and did what I had to.' Both hell and heaven will follow us for a long time, but not forever." he replied.

"How do I know I'm really living my life?" I asked.
In a way that instead of bitterness, you will feel excitement. That's the only difference. In addition, one must respect the mystery and humbly accept that God has a plan for us. A generous plan that brings us closer to him and that justifies those millions of stars, planets, black holes and everything else we see in the sky tonight.”

"It is very difficult to live without reasoning," I cried.
"Can you explain why one must give and receive love? You can not. You live with it, don't you? Not only do you live with it, but love is the most important thing in life. And there is no reason for that. Just as there is no reason for life. But there is a reason why we are here and you have to be humble enough to accept it. Trust me, every man's life has meaning, no matter how much he sins and how he spends most of his life on earth searching for answers while forgetting to live.

I will tell you an example of such a moment when I came close to understanding this. On the 50th anniversary of my high school graduation, I arrived at the school I attended as a teenager. I met old friends, we drank and told the same jokes as half a century ago. At one point I looked at the school playground and saw myself, a child playing and observing life with admiration and great interest. Suddenly this child takes physical form and approaches me. He looked at me and smiled. That's when I realized that I hadn't betrayed my youthful dreams, that this kid I once was was still proud of me. I realized that the reason for living that I had as a child still lives in my heart.

Try to live as intensely as a child. Do not look for clarifications and explanations. Go into each new day like it's an adventure and go to sleep at night tired and happy."

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