
Pavlok 2: a magic bracelet that triggers a shock if you reach for the "sin"

An expert who advises on eating, spending money and sleeping would certainly not be superfluous to most people, but only a few can afford it. Fortunately, there is an electronic alternative that helps with self-monitoring - Pavlok 2 is waiting for you!

Amazon represents a revolutionary bracelet Pavlok 2, which is intended controlling human behavior. This works on the principle of instrumental conditioning/allocation of rewards and punishments.

With Pavlok's help, you will escape spending too much time online, consumption of unhealthy food, nail biting, smoking and sleeping too long. According to the reviews given by the users so far, the device is the most effective when it comes to waking up.

The way Pavlok 2 works is extremely simple - every time you reach for temptation, namely gives a slight shock. Your brain associates a certain behavior with an unpleasant stimulus and therefore treated as bad. For this reason, the next time someone offers you a slice of pizza or cigarettes, you'll prefer to refrain.

Pavlok 2 bracelet
Pavlok 2 bracelet

A product concept that needs to be deducted 200 dollars (approx 180 euros) is undoubtedly extremely interesting. If you want to order it, you can do so here.

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