
Pavlova 3'23''

In three minutes and 23 seconds in 1907, the legendary Russian dancer Ana Pavlova changed the image of dance until today. It is the solo Death of a Swan, which was created for it by the famous Russian choreographer Mihael Fokin to the music of Saint-Saëns. Three minutes and 23 seconds of dance, in which dying turns into floating eternity, is the transition between...

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Cankarjev dom, Prešernova 18, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 13 to 24 euros

In three minutes and 23 seconds in 1907, the legendary Russian dancer Ana Pavlova changed the image of dance until today. It is the solo Death of a Swan, which was created for it by the famous Russian choreographer Mihael Fokin to the music of Saint-Saëns. The three minutes and 23 seconds of dance, in which dying turns into the floating of eternity, is the transition between classical ballet and the dance of the liberated body, as understood by Mathilde Monnier, a great figure of French contemporary dance, who explores the achievement of the mythical solo with her colleagues. Her young and virtuoso dancers, like the biggest names in dance in general, create their own dance solos. Each dancer in the team is different and unique, but together they create a complete performance that follows the idea of movement as Pavlova had and that changes the dimensions of our perception of time. 

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