
Attention! Why shouldn't you wash a greasy pan with hot water?!

Photo: envato

Did you know that washing a greasy pan with hot water can clog sink drains?

Daily tasks such as washing up containers can become a real nightmare if the right techniques are not used. One of the most common mistakes we make is washing a greasy pan with hot water.

At first glance, it seems logical - the hot water should dissolve the fat, right? But the truth is that this combination creates an unpleasant trap that leads to unnecessary drain blockages.

washing a greasy pan
Photo: envato

When greasy dishes come into contact with hot water and dishwashing detergent, an emulsion is created that dissolves the greasy particles. This emulsion seems to be the perfect solution, as everything disappears quickly after draining. But when the emulsion cools, the fat solidifies again.

Rules for washing a greasy pan

What does this mean for our drains?

This means that greasy residues settle in the pipes, forming thick layers that can eventually cause blockages.

How to avoid this?

The first solution is to remove as much fat as possible before washing the dishes. Use paper towels or a piece of stale bread to wipe off excess grease and dispose of it in the trash. This prevents the grease from ending up in the drains.

washing a greasy pan
Photo: envato

However, if some fat remains on the pan, it is crucial that it always rinse with cold water before going into the sink. Cold water keeps the fat in a solid state. Solid bits of grease will eventually be carried down the drains without any problems without causing blockages.

In addition, it is recommended that we clean the siphons regularly and we use special means to prevent clogging of drains. In this way, we can ensure the smooth operation of our drains and avoid expensive repairs and the inconvenience associated with clogged pipes.

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