
Peen-i-corn Leggings: Adult Unicorn Leggings That Made The Internet Crazy

If you thought the internet was sick of unicorns in one form or another, you'd be wrong. Sarah Mornignstar, a sculptor and artist from Texas, has started the latest and most comfortable unicorn trend yet. And what is it about? These are leggings printed with penises that have a unicorn horn and rainbow hair on them.

Leggings they are truly multi-purpose. But that might not be the case for you peen-i-corn leggings.
Sarag Mornigstar he loves unicorns and this inspired him to do a bit more the 'adult' version, based on the unicorn posters she grew up with. This is how these leggings were created, which are adorned by the not at all shy penises with added unicorn horn and rainbow hair.

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Peen-i-corn leggings: Leggings with penises and unicorns
Peen-i-corn leggings: Leggings with penises and unicorns

But that's not all. The young artist has more iron in the fire. It is in preparation penis print with mermaid features. You can buy leggings at redbubble.com, delivery is possible also to Slovenia.

Peen-i-corn leggings
Peen-i-corn leggings

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