
People born under these signs are never satisfied with themselves

Photo: envato

Do you always find something that doesn't suit you? Do you hide behind words and actions? Are you indecisive? Are you afraid of yourself and others?

Some astrological signs are bursting with self-confidence, while others are constantly dissatisfied with themselves. Whatever they do, they think it could be better, they criticize themselves, and this kind of thinking causes them many problems in life.


Geminis sincerely want to succeed and surpass others, but due to their indecision and constant doubts, they are unable to do so. Their dual nature constantly pulls them in different directions: at first they are sure of their choice, but after five minutes they already regret it. Outwardly, they act as a positive and smiling sign, but inside they are constantly ashamed of something, but they try not to show it to others.



Cancers have one goal, to please their loved ones in every possible way, because they are afraid of leaving them. In reality, others adore and appreciate them, but they always wonder if they really deserve it. Cancers are desirable because they are fun and pleasant people in any company. But if someone praises them, they think they don't deserve it, they don't feel worthy of nice words.


A virgin

Virgos often have a defensive attitude, even without reason, because they constantly feel that everyone is attacking them or will. They have a very destructive inferiority complex and often feel like they are excluded from society. Because of this, they constantly think about what others think of them and fail to fit into society. They want to succeed, but insecurity and perfectionism prevent them from doing so.



Libras are very friendly people who are pleasant to talk to, but they almost never talk about themselves. The fact is that they feel too insecure and are afraid of being misunderstood or ridiculed. They do not have a high opinion of themselves, so they try to be nice, sometimes even excessively so, in order to please everyone. They carefully hide all their weaknesses and inner fears from others.

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