
People Who Wear Their Hearts On Their Palms: 8 Things The Most Sensitive Souls Do

They feel things that no one else would notice. They will also always be better at identifying your feelings than you are.

Are you being told that you are oversensitive? If the answer is yes, this is by no means a negative comment - sensitive people are some of the most passionate and interesting people in the world, so you have nothing to be ashamed of.

On the other hand, if you were lucky enough to have such a person as your partner, stick with him/her, because these are truly special and rare people.

Here are 8 things that sensitive people do completely differently!

1. Everyone feels much stronger

It is clear that sensitive people feel stimuli from the environment more intensively, and this is because, due to their strong intuition, they process all information on a deeper level. This may mean that their feelings will make them cry more easily. They also feel and see things that no one else would notice!

2. They do not differentiate between people

Sensitive people primarily see the soul of their fellow man and judge people by it. The exterior means nothing to them. They will never judge others because they believe that basically we are all the same.

3. They like to listen to others

Sensitive souls know how to listen to others, they rarely talk about themselves and their feelings. They are understanding and used to people turning to them for help. They consider it their duty to help their fellow man.

4. They wear their hearts on their palms

This is obvious. Sensitive people often react with their heart and not their head, so because of their instinctive behavior they often say things they don't mean. And yet these are rational people.

They wear their hearts on their palms.

5. They need solitude

They like to spend time with themselves to "recharge their batteries" and face all the feelings that bother them. They can spend this time in nature or in bed. Noise and crowds exhaust them. Give them some time and they will come back to you happy!

6. They need much more time to make a decision

When someone is sensitive, they take much longer to process all the information because they notice all the details that others won't even touch on. Their decisions are often supported by accurate information.

7. They are very intuitive

Sensitive people have very, very strong intuition and sense when something is wrong. Don't lie to sensitive people, they will spend a lot of energy trying to get you to tell the truth.

8. They are passionate

Along with great sensitivity comes passion. This is not just about passion in bed (although they are known as the best lovers), they are passionate in all relationships, with people or with nature.

They love deeply and strongly, so be careful with these special people.

If you are a sensitive person, know that you are valuable and that the world would be a better place if there were more people like you! If such a sensitive soul is your partner, nurture that soul and you will enjoy all the benefits of love that no one else can give you.

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