
People who make their bed in the morning have more sex!

Psychologists claim that this small habit can completely change your life...and also says a lot about your personality.

Scientists have found that making the bed is not only personal preference, but it can also say a lot about a person's personality.
According to website research Sleepopolis researchers found that people who make the bed adventurous, sociable and confident, while people who don't make their beds are supposedly shy, curious and sarcastic.

Likewise, those persons who make the bed should be morning guy, which he doesn't need an alarm clock. They probably work in fields related to health workers or technology. Those who don't make the bed are night birds, who find it difficult to wake up, so they need an alarm clock. They should also be inclined to setting the alarm. They probably work in the field finance.

That's what this habit says about your personality!
That's what this habit says about your personality!

Interestingly, scientists have also found that people who make the bed have intercourse three times a week, while the group of people who do not make their beds only twice.
Morning habits are also said to be related to musical and cinematic taste - those who make the bed like The Hunger Games, romantic movies and jazz music. The group that doesn't make the bed, listens to rock, watches Seinfeld and sitcoms.

Why is it good to make your bed in the morning?
Why is it good to make your bed in the morning?

Why is it good to make your bed in the morning?

1. The state of your bed is the state of your mind. There is a belief that the living space is a reflection of the human mind. Those who like a tidy bed like order in their lives.

2. Making your bed makes you feel more useful, because you know that you already completed one obligation this morning. It should be easier to continue with other tasks.

3. A made bed is a reflection of happiness and productivity. People who make the bed are said to be happier.

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