
People who have no idea about assembling Ikea furniture

People who were not good at assembling Ikea furniture.

Assembling Ikea furniture is quite simple and we have to be really clumsy not to say anything that we fail to put together simple furniture elements such as a chest of drawers, a table and a chair. Apparently, despite the crystal clear instructions, this is too much for some. These individuals covered the whole line when assembling Ikea furniture. Can you really be so incompetent that you fail? The answer is more than obvious 'yes, you can'!

Although it is widely known that it is Ikea furniture because of the simple instructions and the very simplified process quite easy to put together, but this is also for some too big a bite. More these "hits" did better than them!

READ MORE: Hikea - this is what it looks like when Ikea furniture is assembled under the influence of psychoactive substances

Take a look at these individuals who would probably be better off trying something else in life. Not everyone can be jack of all trades. Or is it? In this case, we suggest they start with Lego bricks Double.

Gallery - people who totally screwed it up when assembling Ikea furniture:

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