
People with soft hearts are the bravest in this world!

"Be soft, don't let the world make you harsh. Be gentle, don't let people make you difficult. Be kind, don't let the reality of life take away all your sweetness and make you heartless.” - Nurudeen Ushawu

It's ironic that we live in a time where society values kindness and compassion, but at the same time wants to change us into something other than who we are. Maybe that's why soft-hearted people feel that they don't belong in this world that wants to turn us into gruff, difficult and heartless people. But how can you be a soft hearted person today when people see you as a weak person?

Soft-hearted people know very well that everyone sees them as weak people and they know that others are taking advantage of them. However, they are brave enough to still be who they are! Although they will always be taken for granted, they will continue to help. This does not mean that they will always be available, but they will be willing to put their problems aside and give priority to others.

They are the ones who carry the weight of this world, the ones who cry in the middle of the night when they think about the problems that their friend is going through, what their family is going through, what our society is going through. And as if they are not afraid of being hurt, they always choose kindness.

They are the ones who carry the weight of this world on them, the ones who cry in the middle of the night when they think about the hardships their loved ones are going through...
They are the ones who carry the weight of this world on them, the ones who cry in the middle of the night when they think about the problems their loved ones are going through...

As a reflection of their character, they give kindness even to those who really don't deserve it. Despite the fact that they took advantage of them, they soft-hearted people always choose to forgive. It's a trait we see as a weakness, and even though it may seem absurd, they'll pick on it anyway. Not because no one has ever hurt them, but because they believe that forgiveness is not something we do for others, but something we do for ourselves. And by not forgiving, we only hurt ourselves.

By forgiving, they have found peace within themselves, and this serves as the foundation for their resilience!

Soft-hearted people have fallen countless times. They were rejected, neglected and exploited. Those were the moments when they felt like the whole world had turned their backs on them, and maybe it was true. They should not be confused with molluscs, because these people they are extremely brave, because they have not decided to give up, to run away, but they are still trying and not giving up.

Soft-hearted people are really quick to give in to their emotions, but they always strive to find happiness!

Their heart is what makes them bend but never break! Finally, people with a soft heart are those who feel too much pain, their own and those around them, that they usually succumb to it and therefore need more time to heal. But in the healing process they will always find a solution, yes they rise again to spread kindness, to cultivate peace, to radiate happiness, and all this despite his vulnerability!

No matter how much pain it might cause them, they will choose to do it again and again. And that's why they are THE BRAVEEST!

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