
There are no perfect relationships, there are only relationships that grow!

"When a person loves, he wants to learn something, serve something, sacrifice himself for something." - Ernest Hemingway

Do you know couples who think their relationships, lives are perfect?

The truth is that there is no such thing as a "perfect relationship". No one in this world has it and no one has found it yet. Even if two people seem to complement each other perfectly, that doesn't mean they don't face challenges in their relationship. While they seem unbreakable, there are also many disagreements and fights in their path.

What is their secret?

Whenever they argue, they are able to, yes talk and talk about their problems. Unfortunately, there are not many couples who master this ability. But those who have it are truly powerful. They are strong because they have realized that in order to maintain a healthy and long-term relationship, they must grow together. And this growth is not a destination, but an adventure, a journey along a bumpy and winding road.

They don't give up on each other every time things go wrong. These couples always have each other's backs and go through all the difficulties together. Instead of selfishly running away from the relationship when it gets confusing, they stick together and give each other the strength they need to overcome any challenge life throws at them.

When they love, they are ready to do everything in their power to fix what is broken, to grow together even stronger.

If you don't feel motivated to do whatever it takes when a problem arises in a relationship, then you're not with the right person. The right person will always convince you that you can do anything, encourage you to be more successful and to pursue your goals. Of course you would do the same for them. This is something that makes your relationship special. Unconditional support, pure love and undeniable trust between two people are the things that make a relationship thrive.

There are no perfect relationships, there are relationships that grow and love that is endless.
There are no perfect relationships, there are relationships that grow and love that is endless.

While perfect relationships do not exist, there are relationships that grow. They are completely imperfect on every possible level. For them, perfection is having someone by their side who will grow roots with them, who will grow, cry with them and love them, with all their flaws and insecurities. Someone who will see through the smile and find the pain underneath and help them get through it. The one who will hold their hand and be proud to go through this wild journey called life by their side.

Perfect couples may not be real, but true love definitely is.

If you are one of the lucky ones who have such a relationship, never take it for granted. Relationships that last require incredible dedication and a lot of hard work. They involve a lot of forgiveness, compromise, and validation. Your partner is not a perfect man, simply because such a man does not exist.

At times they will hurt each other. But if the love you feel is true, you will be ready to face any challenge that life throws at you. And this is exactly what will make your relationship "perfect".

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