
NASA Eau de Space perfume: this is what space smells like!

Have you ever wondered what the universe feels like, smells like? Now you will be able to feel it on your skin, literally. The NASA Eau de Space perfume is the scent of space, captured on Earth!

NASA Eau de Space perfume developed by Steve Pearce, chemist and founder of Omega Ingredients. The scent was originally created to help astronauts train before launching into space, simulating space and trying to eliminate any surprises the astronauts might experience up there. The formula of the scent was a closely guarded secret for years, until the team behind Eau de Space got hold of it.

Some astronauts describe the smell of space as a mixture "grilled steak, raspberries and rum". In an interview with CNN in 2002, one of the astronauts and a former resident of the International Space Station described the smell in a little more detail: “It's like the smell of a gun right after you fire a bullet. In addition to smelling smoky and burnt, it also has a bitter aftertaste.”

With a background in fashion as well as technology and design, the Eau de Space team have now teamed up with award-winning perfumers to create a fragrance that sparks curiosity while they hope to lead to increased interest in the study of science , technology, engineering and mathematics.

NASA Eau de Space perfume
NASA Eau de Space perfume

NASA Eau de Space is currently fundraising on Kickstarter (the goal has already been well exceeded), the first customers will receive the perfumes this October. You can get your perfume for around 29 euros, and you will also be donating to local schools with K-12 STEM (science, technology, engineer, mathematics) programs.

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