
Perpetuum Jazzile In Celje

An excellent Slovenian choir that ventures into the interesting and naughty world of jazz music. Under the artistic direction of Tomaž Kozlevčar, he impresses with a varied program and unusual singing. They certainly liven up the scene wherever they perform. This time they will cheer us on in...

Important information
Glavni trg, Glavni trg, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Odlični slovenski pevski zbor, ki se podaja v zanimiv in navihan svet jazz glasbe. Pod umetniškim vodstvom Tomaža Kozlevčarja navdušuje s pestrim programom ter nenavadnim petjem. Vsekakor popestrijo dogajanje, kjerkoli nastopajo. Tokrat nas bodo razveseljevali v Celju.

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