
Peugeot competition: express your talent and show what "exceptional" means to you

Peugeot's creative competition has started, inviting everyone to participate who will present "EXCELLENCE" in the most interesting and creative way possible.

The French brand PEUGEOT has always been famous for its exceptional design combined with high technology. The idea for the creative contest EXCEPTIONALITY was born while waiting for a new one Peugeot 308, which is coming to the market in March, and is simply outstanding. With it, every experience will be more authentic and intense. It is the first vehicle in the world to carry the latest Peugeot logo, which flaunts its ultra-modern look on the decorative mask of the vehicle and with it announces a complete revival and, above all, it is made in Slovenia. Extraordinary.

Photo: Peugeot

What is exceptional for you?

Show your creativity; design, paint, draw, photograph your vision of exceptionality. Be creative, be bold, be extraordinary. You will be financially rewarded for your excellence.
You can send your work up to and including February 14, 2022 to the e-mail address: exceptional@308.si.
You can find all the details about the course of the competition, the required formats for submission of works and the rules and conditions HERE.

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