
Philippe Bordas: Heroic Africa

The Heroic Africa exhibition brings together three photographic projects by Philippe Bordas, the central theme of which are the specific social groups of three African countries. It includes Malian fighters, Kenyan boxers and Senegalese wrestlers. ...

Important information
Photo Gallery, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry

The Heroic Africa exhibition brings together three photographic projects by Philippe Bordas, the central theme of which are the specific social groups of three African countries. It includes Malian fighters, Kenyan boxers and Senegalese wrestlers. The collected photographic images bear witness to an unknown Africa that few have seen. The exhibition does not tell about sports or hunting, but reveals a part of the history of the above-mentioned francophone countries through the stories of marginalized social groups.

Heroic Africa is on display in three exhibition halls:
Lovci - Historical atrium of the Town Hall, Mestni trg 1
Wrestlers – Photo Gallery, Mestni trg 11/I
Boxers - MOL exhibition center, Mestni trg 11/II

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