
Philips BlueTouch: a patch that will relieve pain with the help of an iPhone

Since we're already in the process of our smartphones controlling almost everything, why not muscle pain? Philips BlueTouch, a wireless TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) device, does just that.

Philips BlueTouch consists of three thin patches with batteries; one patch is for the lower back and the other two are for the rest of the body. In case of pain or tension in the muscles, they simply stick to the place that needs therapy and launch the iOS application on your iPhone PulseRelief, which will control the stimulation. The app offers 15 TENS programs, 5 EMS (electric muscle stimulation) programs and 60 levels of activity intensity. Using blue LED light, it stimulates the release of nitric oxide in the body, which triggers natural recovery processes, improves oxygen supply and accelerates the removal of metabolites.

Philips BlueTouch works with the PulseRelief app on the iPhone.
Philips BlueTouch works with the PulseRelief app on the iPhone.

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Philips studies are said to show excellent results on test subjects, in 76 percent of patients with moderate to severe pain intensity, after two weeks of using the Philips BlueTouch pain significantly reduced.

Its arrival on the market is announced the end of September.

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