
Philips Fashion Week

After a more than successful fashion peak last fall, the spring term also spoils us with the best fashion designers. In addition to those that we saw at the first FW, the fall collections will be presented by those that were overlooked at the first fashion week. The focus will again be on young, rising...

Important information
Kino Šiška, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Po več kot uspešnem modnem vrhuncu preteklo jesen nas tudi spomladanski termin razvaja z najboljšimi modnimi oblikovalci. Poleg teh, ki smo si jih ogledali na prvem FW, bodo jesenske kolekcije predstavili še tisti, ki so bili na prvem modnem tednu spregledani. Poudarek bo ponovno na mladih, vzpenjajočih se oblikovalcih, saj je zanje rezerviran prvi dan dogodka. Revije si lahko ogledamo v živo tudi preko spleta.

Happy Easter

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