
Philips Heritage

    The new Philips series of HI-FI home systems combines specifications that usually get the blood pumping in the veins of only audiophiles, but this time the Heritage line is dressed in a compact and elegant case that expresses a refined taste and a sense of style that touches every person. The concept...



The new Philips series of HI-FI home systems combines specifications that usually get the blood pumping in the veins of only audiophiles, but this time the Heritage line is dressed in a compact and elegant case that expresses a refined taste and a sense of style that touches every person. The Heritage concept is represented on the market by the well-known Philips DVD Micro Theater (MCD909) and Philips Micro Hi-Fi systems (MCM906, MCM772 and MCM770). Although the constant pursuit of the highest possible quality of the Heritage line has influenced the choice of materials such as wood, metal and leather, the quality of the DVD Micro Theater's playback itself has always remained a priority. The best models, MCD909 and MCM906, are distinguished by top HI-FI electronics, where both analog and digital technology are combined. The entire line boasts the best component design with an aluminum chassis, high-quality digital amplifiers and real wood speakers for a crystal clear sound experience without distortion.

Price: 629 euros for MCD 909, available at www.philips.si



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