
The photographer, who takes pictures of people at the airport every day, also caught Slovenians in his lens

The photographer at the airport takes photos of different people every day, and he also encountered Slovenians.

Have you ever wondered how many different people take off and land at an airport? How many different faces, personalities and life stories could we see and hear? Turkish photographer Mustafa Çankay took courage, approached them, learned something about their lives and captured them in his lens.

Mustafa Çankay is a photographer from Istanbul, who is employed at the airport Atatürk. Every day he meets different faces from different parts of the world, which it is inspired, to give his own he connects his passion for photography with his work at the airport. He started the project '100 faces of 100 countries' (English 100 Faces 100 Countries).

You probably can't imagine that honey photographed during working hours, so it's time for lunch when he walks around the transit area of the airport and tries to find a unique face. The person who takes photos, must be special and different ‒ it can be different appearance, has a special way clothes, a different hairstyle ... but it is the most important energy between the two. Is that him succeed, rate it from his photos.

Nicole, Ukraine

Ana, Slovenia

Sadeem, Pakistan

Gerd, Denmark

Sol, Israel

Anja, Slovenia

Gemarro, Namibia

Freya, Scotland

Narendra, India

Gorana, Serbia

Miha, Slovenia

Léonard, France

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