
A photographer who teaches girls that strength is the new beauty

Power is the new beauty

Like any mother, Kate Parker loves taking pictures of her daughters Alice and Ella. Since she does this almost every day, it's no wonder that she managed to create a photo series in which she collected all the spontaneous photos in which the two cute girls radiate intense perfection through their imperfection. Here is the Strong is the New Pretty photo series.

Photographer Kate Parker is a proud mother who encourages her daughters Alice and Ella to be who they are. He enjoys chasing girls into his photographic lens even when they are extremely wild, completely naked and athletically brave. That's the only way the Strong is the New Pretty series of photos could be created, which is a great encouragement for all the girls out there. Parker wants to let them know that they are perfect as they are and not as they should be according to the expectations of today's society.

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