Sociologists found years ago that mixed race people are more attractive and successful. Evolution is said to be to blame for this: 'they have more diverse genetic material', 'greater chances of survival' and are 'better candidates for reproduction'. This is also the reason why such offspring are more attractive to us. Not even these photos of men and women prove anything else, proving that there is nothing wrong with being 'mixed'.
Race is a concept that has been around for many years of various sciences stirs the spirits. Some sciences claim that race exists ... By entering the school system, we also learned, that there are different races in the world, a anthropology avoids this notion and also defends the idea the non-existence of races, because this notion indicates the systematization and physiological differentiation between people, which also has its consequences on culture.
Sounds like maybe complicated, but such science opens a completely different view of the concepts we've believed in almost our entire lives. If we continue in spirit of anthropology, we've collected photos of men and women who show off beauty, which occurs when combine the genes of a man and a woman of different races.