
Picko and Packo

Who among us does not know the story of two mules, full of direct, sparkling and mischievous energy, who have a lot of fun getting up to their antics? Children will be happy to identify with the two heroes, while adults will rediscover a piece of their childhood in themselves with their playfulness. In addition to the theater performance, there will be...

Important information
Gallery ŠKUC, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Who among us does not know the story of two mules, full of direct, sparkling and mischievous energy, who have a lot of fun getting up to their antics? Children will be happy to identify with the two heroes, while adults will rediscover a piece of their childhood in themselves with their playfulness. In addition to the theater performance, they will also present a new edition of the book Picko in Packo by the German author Wilhelm Busch, rewritten and brought to life by Svetlana Makarovič after thirty years.

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