
Picking your nose and eating snot is supposed to be healthy

All those of you who like to pick your nose and maybe (accidentally or not) put it in your mouth will be happy about this. According to scientists, this habit, which may be absolutely disgusting for some, is healthy for teeth and general health.

A large number of scientists from universities, including Harvard and the university Saskatchewan, believes that parents should not discourage children from picking their noses. This is said to be because snot contains "greater number of good bacteria".

According to an article that was published in the Journal of the American Society for Microbiology, eating snot is said to prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth. The findings even suggest that smurfs might be defensive against respiratory infections, stomach ulcers and even HIV. Researchers are even working on a synthetic toothpaste with mucus and chewing gum that is also said to have the benefits of snot.

Nose picking is a disgusting habit for most people, but scientists are of the opinion that it is healthy.
Nose picking is a disgusting habit for most people, but scientists think it's healthy.

"Nature encourages us to do certain things because they benefit us, to behave in a certain way and to consume different types of food," adds the co-author of the research, Dr. Scott Napper, professor of microbiology at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. "So when you feel the need to pick your nose and then eat snot, you should do it."

An Austrian lung health specialist who also took part in the research says research shows they are those who pick their noses are healthier, happier and probably more in tune with their bodies.

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More information:
kidspot.com.au and asm.org

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