
PIK the real thing: PIK meat with 25 percent less salt

PIK Vrbovec, a leader in modern trends in the regional market of meat and meat products, offers consumers a healthier range of products with a lower proportion of salt, including PIK meats. Famous PIK products - dry salami, ham, cooked ham, mortadella and other delicacies - contain 25 percent less salt, and at the same time they do not contain flavor enhancers, artificial colors, gluten or soy.

With distinct flavors and top quality, which are the main features meat PIK, are the best choice for anyone who cares about their diet and health. PIK Vrbovec continues to make consumers aware of its importance of the recommended daily salt intake, which according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization is 5-6 grams per day.

Did you know?
Most salt is introduced into the body unconsciously through food, so it is recommended to read the declarations and choose products with lower salt content. Excessive intake of salt in the body is very often the cause of diabetes, obesity and diseases of the heart, kidneys and lungs. Reducing salt intake to the recommended daily intake lowers blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack. If salt consumption were reduced to the recommended amount, more than 2.5 million lives would be saved annually.

How to reduce excess salt?
The largest amount of salt is introduced into the body unconsciously, namely through food. With just a few simple measures, we can limit excessive salt intake:
– when preparing a meal, let's change the big spoon to add salt with less;
let's try the food, before salting it;
remove the salt shaker from the dining table so that it is not constantly within reach;
– let's try different ones spices and aromatics, with which we will replace salt;
– let's try the usual dishes season differently or healthier;
– and above all let's read the declarations and choose products with a lower salt content.

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The content is provided by PIK Vrbovec.

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