

Licking is a humorously absurd, but at the same time fascinating phenomenon, when an individual tries to fool all the museum's security devices just so he can taste the greatest painters - with his tongue. James Powderly and Eun-Jung Son documented the phenomenon on film. For a month we can get to know the picture lovers,...

Important information
Cultural center 001, Tobačna ulica 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Licking is a humorously absurd, but at the same time fascinating phenomenon, when an individual tries to fool all the museum's security devices just so he can taste the greatest painters - with his tongue. James Powderly and Eun-Jung Son documented the phenomenon on film. For a month, we can get to know pictorialists, security guards, curators, art critics and individual works of art, who talk about the phenomenon from their point of view.


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