
Pingbell: Smart Bike Bell to Help Find Your Bike #kickstarter

With all the amazing things a bike-friendly city has to offer, sometimes the hardest part is finding your bike, drowning somewhere in the sea of other bikes. FROLIC Studio wants to solve this problem, so they created the Pingbell bike bell that helps us find our bike. A completely normal bell at first glance, it hides some smart technology that helps in locating the bike. Pingbell is currently raising funds on Kickstarter.

Basic information
The price

All we have to do is park the bike and lock it up. With help Bluetooth technology and maps, the Pingbell app (will be available for both iOS and Android) then records the location of our bike.

All we have to do is "ring" the Pingbell bell on the app.
All we have to do is to “ring” the Pingbell bell on the app.

If we don't see the wheel like that, just "ring" on the application and the bell on the bicycle rings. They are available two ring types: the first is the full, rich sound of an authentic bell, and the second is more conventional, loud and screeching, so that everyone can hear it. In case we don't want to be disturbed by the sound at night, the Pingbell bell can also be used lights up – the procedure is the same, on the application we "ring the bell" and the bell will light up.

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More information:
kickstarter.com and frolicstudio.com

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