

On Youth Day, the excellent Alenka Tetičković will perform the mono-stand-up drama Pink, directed by Iztok Valič. The work is about Janice growing up in the socialist seventies of the last century and about the embarrassments that come with teenage years. A fat woman, a young woman, a hippie, a punk, a pioneer and...

Important information
LGL drama stage, Krekov trg 2, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

On Youth Day, the excellent Alenka Tetičković will perform the mono-stand-up drama Pink, directed by Iztok Valič. The work is about Janice growing up in the socialist seventies of the last century and about the embarrassments that come with teenage years. A fat woman, a young woman, a hippie, a punk, a pioneer and a lipstick, will show us all the stages of her life in the noble Maribor dialect, from the morning after Tito's death to the first...

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