
Piran days of architecture

This year's conference will bring together six architects from different parts of the world on the topic of how architecture can play an active role in shaping society. Gerd Bergmeister, Michaela Wolf, Franz Jaschke, Miloš Florjančič, Benny Govaert, Damiaan Vanhoutte and Vera will enchant us with their experiences.

Important information
Teater Tartini in ostale lokacije, Piran
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Letošnja konferenca bo soočila šest arhitektov z različnih delov sveta na temo kako prek arhitekture odigrati aktivno vlogo v oblikovanju družbe. S svojimi izkušnjami nas bodo tako očarali Gerd Bergmeister, Michaela Wolf, Franz Jaschke, Miloš Florjančič, Benny Govaert, Damiaan Vanhoutte in Vera Grimmer. 

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