
Beer and flowers 2011

In four days, the number of "Laščans" increases by almost forty times, which guaranteed that the program will excite each of us. The highlight of the event is Saturday night with magnificent fireworks and a water symphony, which attracts over 60,000 visitors amid beer and flowers. In addition, we must not miss...

Important information
različna prizorišča, Laško
Facebook event
Entrance fee

V štirih dneh se število “Laščanov” poveča za skoraj štiridesetkrat, kar je zagotovilo, da bo program navdušil vsakega med nami. Vrhunec prireditve je sobotna noč z veličastnim ognjemetom in vodno simfonijo, ki med pivo in cvetje privabi prek 60.000 obiskovalcev. Poleg te ne smemo zamuditi festivalske parade, nastopa Big Foot Mame, Terrafolka z Anjo Bukovec, Jana Plestenjaka, Tabujev, Vlada Kreslina …

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