
Pivovarna Union: Union Unfiltered beer in a new limited edition guise

When the love of design and beer come together, limited edition covers for Union Unfiltered are created! With the help of four illustrators, Pivovarna Union presents a collection of the most popular freshly brewed beer in a new guise this autumn.

The trendiest unfiltered beer to date

Winning An unfiltered duo has already premiered his designer outfit at the October Mercedez-Benz Fashion Week in Ljubljana at a unique exhibition "Hi Design". Four selected designers, Anja Šlibar, Zoran Pungerčar, Manca Flajs and Primož Zorko, each with their own vision took care of the image of the trendiest Unfiltered beer to date. Thoughtful designs have also moved from bottles to t-shirts, backpacks and mobile and computer wallpapers. The monotony of everyday life is therefore broken up in style and with a great deal of creativity.

What do the individual covers symbolize?

Anja Šlibar wrapped the dark Unfiltered in a dark night sprinkled with stars, which promises unforgettable adventures. Zoran Pungerčar turned the bottle into an indispensable artistic accessory, which will brighten up even a boring home corner. The illustrator Manca Flajs wrapped Svetto Unfiltered in love, and Primož Zorko found inspiration for the design in the sweetness of malt, the aroma of hops and the explosion of bubbles in contact with taste buds that create new worlds.

Unfiltered beers with their new look will be on the shelves already in mid-November, Pivovarna Union is already rewarding all design lovers through its social networks with stylishly perfected products.


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