
Pizza Box Pizza: Pizza Box Pizza!

Pizza Box Pizza

We are used to pizza being delivered in a cardboard box. We've seen more unusual packaging designs before, but no one has a pizza box like the one used at Vinnie's Pizzeria in Brooklyn! Pizza Box Pizza is a pizza box from PIZZA!!! It is not known whether they charge you double the price for the pizza.

Brooklyn Vinnie's Pizzeria delivers pizza to very special places pizza boxes.

Pizza packaging as we are used to...
Pizza packaging as we are used to...

Why use cumbersome and inedible cardboard boxes, which are always in the user's way, when the box can be edible and put it in your stomach instead of in the bin.

READ MORE: Pizza The Bomb – "flambéed" pizza

... and a pizza box from the American pizzeria Vinnie's Pizzeria.
... and a pizza box from the American pizzeria Vinnie's Pizzeria.

Pizza Box Pizza it is a pizza box made of pizza, which is made of cheese, dough and sauce. So when you've buttered up your pizza but are still hungry, just go for it packaging. You will also do something good for the environment, because you will leave no waste behind!

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