
Playboy: 61 years of the magazine and some of its most iconic covers

The world-famous bunny icon will turn 61 in December. Playboy magazine used to be the only source of female nudity for a young man, these days it's fighting against a trillion websites for those male (and female) hormones. Despite this, she remains on the scene and this is proof that beautiful women, discerning taste, sexual emancipation, groundbreaking creations of fiction and world-changing journalism cannot be forgotten so easily.

December of the year 1953 she came out the first number Playboy. He founded it Hugh Hefner and first edition with Marilyn Monroe on the cover it said, believe it or not, 40 cents. This is how the magazine became an icon of American men's magazines, which contains nudity, journalistic genre and fiction.

Here are some of the most iconic covers.

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More information: playboymagazinestore.com

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