
Playboy Girls Then and Now - 30+ Years After She Stripped for Playboy

Playboy models then and now

Six women who stripped for Playboy in the past posed again. But it should be added that at least 30 years have passed since then, and that this time they did not throw off their cloths as "at the peak of their beauty", but they nevertheless posed in seductive poses! Wondering what former Playboy models look like decades later? Is beauty fleeting or eternal? Judge for yourself.

See what the six are like former Playboy girls, which are for the magazine Playboy shed her rags in the prime of her youth and was then the object of many men's lust, seen today. You still recognize miss March 1954 and miss january 1979?

READ MORE: This is the first Playboy without nudity

This is what the six Playboy models used to look like. Would you still recognize them today?
This is what the six Playboy models used to look like. Would you still recognize them today?

Most of these women who are in the distant past undressed for Playboy, is in completely different waters today, but we can safely say yes their beauty has not withered over the years and that they all aged perfectly.

Former Playboy Girls Today, 30+ Years Later:

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