
Playful Ljubljana - children's guide to Ljubljana

It is an original guide to the Slovenian capital by the author Neja Morata Štucin, who described the guide as adapted to children's perception, which is why it is different from guides intended for adults.

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Eighty children helped develop the concept of the book, and the guide was three years in the making. They contributed the illustrations M.Sc. Karmen Bajc and Maja Medved, who also designed the maps. The book contains ten themed adventures from different parts of Ljubljana, each lasting about one school hour. From the starting point onward, the little explorers are guided by a map along a marked path, which is interrupted by fun and educational tasks. The guide is not a sterile book that would sit alone on a bookshelf, as it is intended for drawing, drawing, marking, cutting, and thus becomes unique for each owner. According to the author, children learn orientation, map use, get to know the city, create and at the same time become sensitive to the urban space that surrounds them.

Photo: Jana Klinkon

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