
Please Be My Last Love (Personal Confession)

"Love consists of one soul living in two bodies." – Aristotle

Please be my last love because I don't want to wake up in the mornings with anyone else. No one else will respect my need to wake up at seven in the morning to run. No one else will make me as good a coffee as you. No one else will kiss me good morning the way you do. No one but you will roll onto my side of the bed and kiss me, regardless of my morning breath.

Please be my last love, because I don't want to spend the afternoon with anyone but you. No one will understand my hectic schedule. No one else will understand my chit-chat with birds, cats and puppies. No one else will be able to describe their day to me so vividly that I feel like I was there, with you. Everyone but you would tell me to go. You would tell me to stay.

Please be my last love, because I don't want to spend an afternoon with anyone but you.
Please be my last love, because I don't want to spend an afternoon with anyone but you.

Please be my last love because I don't want to spend another night with anyone else. No one else will understand my need to sleep with a stuffed toy. No one else will accept my body as it is, all the scars and wounded marks. No one else will understand that I need so much love and attention. No one else will be as patient as you. Everyone but you would tell me to go somewhere else if I didn't like where I was.

Please be my last love because i don't want to date anyone else. Never again. No one will understand my need for coffee and cookies. No one else will understand my need to dance, because I release my anxiety through it. No one will understand my insecurities and fears. You them.

No one will love you and accept your past, your pain, like me. I won't judge you for your little imperfections. My heartbeat skipped a beat to match yours.

No hand will fit in yours like mine. No one else is as perfect for me as you. Nobody looks at me like you do. You are part of my imperfection. You are my perfection.

Please be my last love.

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