
A plush toy for a pain-free wrist while using the mouse and keyboard

Cute wrist rests

Do you suffer from wrist pain from using the mouse and keyboard? The solution is either a mouse pad with a wrist rest or just a rest. If you want to stand out, you can consider a plush toy instead, which will not only relieve your wrists, but also keep you company while you type and click.

Pain in the forearm and reduced mobility of the wrist and fingers are just some of the injuries that can be attributed frequent use of a computer mouse and keyboard. You can prevent these types of problems with wrist rest; if if you want to stand out, the shape rests are the right choice for you plush toys.

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A cute solution comes from Japan and includes characters from Japanese anime and computer games. This type of device will not only relieve the tension in your wrist, but also help you in overcoming stress.

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