
PMS ice cream perfectly describes how a woman feels

PMS ice creams

Texas-based graphic designer Parker Jones has created a series of ice cream labels aimed at a very specific audience – women going through PMS, premenstrual syndrome.

Etiquette on the "PMS ice creams" she created Parker Jones, they understand how every woman feels - everything from "I Need Some More" of ice cream, the flavor of which is mint with pieces of chocolate, up to "Don't Come Near Me" with the flavor of chocolate, hazelnuts and pecans and up to "I Think I'm Dying", strawberry flavored ice cream. According to her, they are the three most common steps of PMS.
Unfortunately, these labels aren't for sale, but they're still a pretty fun idea - they even have one on the site marks that follow the progress of the PMS, while the woman diligently empties the delicious ice cream inside the packaging.

READ MORE: Homemade ice creams - a tasty and healthy alternative

Take a look at the delicious PMS ice cream, which perfectly describes the feeling of every woman, in the gallery.

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