
These poisonous houseplants can kill you

Lily (Shutterstock)

Do you already know the poisonous indoor plants that very often decorate our homes? Although they are a beautiful decoration, they are anything but harmless.

With houseplants, empty corners, windowsills, low cupboards and empty walls are wonderfully brightened up. They breathe life into our home, cheer us up with their colorful flowers and, as some research has shown, even reduce stress. Most often, we choose the houseplant that we like best for the apartment. And that's right, as Feng Shui teaches us. But it's definitely good to know what they are poisonous indoor plants - toxic to you or your pets.

1. Poisonous indoor plant: oleander

Oleander (Photo: Shutterstock)
Oleander (Photo: Shutterstock)

Oleander blooms beautifully and smells intoxicating, making it a popular outdoor and indoor plant. But beware  every part of it is poisonous. If ingested, it can cause a range of symptoms, including vomiting, and even death in animals and small children.

2. Poisonous indoor plant: Peace Lily

Peace lily (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Peace lily (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

The peace lily is a very popular indoor plant, as it is very undemanding and quickly forgives poor care. It also requires little water and little daylight. But this beauty, native to North and South America, can cause itching, swelling and speech problems when ingested. Nothing but a peaceful plant, eh?

3. Poisonous indoor plant: sago palm, also sago tree

Sagovec (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Sagovec (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Palm sago is very beautiful and convenient, which is why we love it in our homes, but it is especially not recommended for dog owners. In South Carolina, this plant is responsible for most dog poisonings. In humans, it causes only minor discomfort when ingested.

4. Poisonous indoor plant: Zamia

Zamia (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Zamia (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Zamia has become a very popular indoor plant in a short time because it thrives in any kind of light and is otherwise a very undemanding indoor plant. Unfortunately, it is dangerous for both humans and animals. The symptoms after ingestion are not as severe as with oleander, but it is still better to avoid it.

5. Poisonous indoor plant: saberwort

Sabiljka (Photo. Wikimedia Commons)
Sabiljka (Photo. Wikimedia Commons)

Sabljica is a very popular plant in offices due to its unpretentiousness. But be careful, it is just as poisonous. If swallowed, it may cause vomiting and numbness of the tongue and throat. It is even more dangerous for dogs and cats than for humans. They may suffer from nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

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6. Poisonous indoor plant: lilies

Lilies (photo: Shutterstock)
Lilies (photo: Shutterstock)

The beautifully blooming lily is not dangerous to humans, but it is very poisonous to cats. If ingested, their kidneys can fail.

7. Poisonous indoor plant: areca palm

Areca palm (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Areca palm (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

While most plants absorb bad substances from the air and release beneficial substances into it, with some, such as the areca palm, the opposite is true. One of the American studies showed that the areca palm releases volatile hydrocarbon (VOC) harmful to humans and animals into the air. It is also released by microorganisms in the soil of the areca palm. However, the study was not long-term, so we do not know what the long-term effects of the presence of the areca palm in our home are.

8. Poisonous indoor plant: ficus or weeping fig

Ficus (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Ficus (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Did you know that ficus juice is very poisonous? Contact may cause coughing, wheezing, itchy eyes and skin irritation. Pets also experience the same symptoms.

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