
The Guard - The Guard

The story takes place on the west coast of Ireland, where Sergeant Gerry Boyle lives in a small town, a cantankerous policeman with a revolutionary sense of humor, a dying mother, an interest in prostitutes, and nothing at all moved by the international drug cartel that has delivered to his doorstep FBI agent Wendell Everett. But even though it seems that...

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The story takes place on the west coast of Ireland, where Sergeant Gerry Boyle lives in a small town, a cantankerous policeman with a revolutionary sense of humor, a dying mother, an interest in prostitutes, and nothing at all moved by the international drug cartel that has delivered to his doorstep FBI agent Wendell Everett. But while Boyle seems to prefer mocking Everett and throwing logs under his feet rather than effectively helping him solve the case, circumstances keep him thrust into the center of the action. First, his new partner disappears, then his favorite cop tries to blackmail him, and finally drug dealers try to bribe him. All this inadvertently offends Boyle's not entirely clear moral principles, and he realizes that he will have to take matters into his own hands.

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