
Pop design

We can't believe that the group Pop design has been present on the Slovenian music scene for a quarter of a century. On the occasion of their anniversary, they will prepare a concert where they will sing their greatest hits. Guests will also join them on stage. We will be entertained by: Tanja Žagar, Špela Grošelj, Maja Oderlap, ...

Important information
Križanke, Trg francoske revolucije 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
25 euros in advance.

We can't believe that the group Pop design has been present on the Slovenian music scene for a quarter of a century. On the occasion of their anniversary, they will prepare a concert where they will sing their greatest hits. Guests will also join them on stage. We will be entertained by: Tanja Žagar, Špela Grošelj, Maja Oderlap, the Sodražica tambourine orchestra and the Maestro dance group. 


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