
Pop-up hotels in the Czech Republic made from containers

Pop-up hotels in the Czech Republic

We always worry about where to go with the bottles, broken plastic, used toaster and the rest of the waste. But it's good that we have solutions for this. But what happens to shipping containers when they expire? After all, these are huge metal bodies that are difficult to put in the trash can. Well, the Czech architecture studio Artikul came up with extraordinary ideas; they made a pop-up hotel out of three containers.

Two 6-meter and 12-meter container form a bathroom, WC, wardrobe space and 4 bedrooms. Each bedroom has a glass wall with access to a wooden terrace. The interior of the rooms is made of birch plywood, and they used recycled wood for the roof, so that the temperature inside is still pleasant in the summer. The hotel, which was built in just 4 months, accepts 12 guests and it is without a doubt a project that we will have to think about in the future if we want to keep the environment in a better condition.

Picture gallery: Pop-up hotels in the Czech Republic

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